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🔥 BOOM! All jobs under $1 are FREE! 🔥
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Pricing is all dependant on what you want done and how much of it. We bill everything by the minute. Anything over an even minute will be rounded up to the next minute. The following is a table that breaks down the pricing by type, and a couple examples beneath that. There is also a pricing calculator you can use on the right to help out!


Video Cost per Minute:$0.12
Audio Cost per Minute:$0.02
Transcription Cost per Minute:$0.10


Length of Video in Minutes:
How Many Clips From Source:
How Many Site Templates:
Create Video Files?

Minutes of Video Intro/Outro:
Create MP3 Audio Files?

Minutes of Audio Intro/Outro:
Create Transcription Files?


Videos Generated:
MP3s Generated:
Text Files Generated:

Total Content Pieces:

Total Cost:

Total Time Saved: